Student Life at MVCS


MVCS Academics 1
MVCS Academics 2

Pre-K & K-5

The student will begin many of the basic learning skills such as reading, math, and Bible memorization. The reading program is based upon the phonics approach and the K-5 student will be reading short and long vowel words.


The elementary program is designed to develop learning skills in all subjects. These include: Bible, English, spelling and vocabulary, reading, math, science, history, penmanship, music, health/physical education, and art.

Junior High

The course of study for students entering junior high provides for the development of God-dependence and stability in this transitional time along with a continuous building on the foundations taught in previous years in all subject matter. Participation is encouraged in the broadening array of activities provided for them at this level.

Senior High

The major subjects for high school students are Bible, math, social studies, science, and English. Students can select additional courses that will prepare them for college.
Our Curriculum is from Abeka and BJU Press.


MVCS Athletics 2


The ultimate purpose of athletics at MVCS is to bring honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ by:

  • Providing instruction in the use of the body to reflect the glory of God through sports.
  • Applying the principle of the “well-rounded” person in Luke 2:52 through the integration of academics, athletics, and social activities.
  • Promoting the Biblical definition of “winning”:
    • Doing our best.
    • Physical winning (scoreboard).
    • Acknowledge God in all areas (win or lose) and leaving the results in His hands.
    • Pray for His guidance in striving to be a true winner
    • Athletic success=The confidence that comes from knowing that one did his very best to the glory of God.
  • Involving the student body, parents, faculty, and staff in developing school spirit and unity.
  • Maintaining a clear Christian testimony to opposing schools, officials, and others in the public with whom we make contact through words, actions, and attitudes.

Individual Objectives to be Developed:

  • Development of the physical body through the varied abilities granted to each individual athlete.
  • Development of Christlike character traits such as dependability, self-control, punctuality, love, enthusiasm, faith, endurance, humility, and obedience.
  • Application of good sportsmanship:
    • Respect for the opposition at all times.
    • Respect for the officials at all times.
    • Knowledge, application, and appreciation for the rules of the game.
    • Self-control.
    • Appreciation for skilled performance regardless of team affiliation.

Fine Arts

MVCS Fine Arts

Students may participate in our Illinois Association of Christian Schools (IACS) academic competitions and possibly go on to the national competition through the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS). This includes: Music, Speech, Art, Bible, and Academic Testing.

MVCS provides training in an Elementary Choir and Junior/Senior High Choir.

The students are also involved in a Christmas and a Spring Concert.