Enrollment for the 2025/2026 school year is open!

Warrior Athletics
The ultimate purpose of athletics at MVCS is to bring honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ by:
- Providing instruction in the use of the body to reflect the glory of God through sports.
- Applying the principle of the “well-rounded” person in Luke 2:52 through the integration of academics, athletics, and social activities.
- Promoting the Biblical definition of “winning”:
- Doing our best.
- Physical winning (scoreboard).
- Acknowledge God in all areas (win or lose) and leaving the results in His hands.
- Pray for His guidance in striving to be a true winner
- Athletic success=The confidence that comes from knowing that one did his very best to the glory of God.
- Involving the student body, parents, faculty, and staff in developing school spirit and unity.
- Maintaining a clear Christian testimony to opposing schools, officials, and others in the public with whom we make contact through words, actions, and attitudes.
Individual Objectives to be Developed:
- Development of the physical body through the varied abilities granted to each individual athlete.
- Development of Christlike character traits such as dependability, self-control, punctuality, love, enthusiasm, faith, endurance, humility, and obedience.
- Application of good sportsmanship:
- Respect for the opposition at all times.
- Respect for the officials at all times.
- Knowledge, application, and appreciation for the rules of the game.
- Self-control.
- Appreciation for skilled performance regardless of team affiliation.
Fall Sports

Winter Sports